Seymour Community Center
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Country Line Dancing Register View Cart

This line dance class will provide the confidence and ease needed on the dance floor as participants will learn some fundamental steps and a variety of line dances - from the "Classics" to the "Fresh" new dances.
Line dancing is perfect for anyone who wants to dance independently.  No partner is required, but feel free to bring along some friends and have a lot of fun!  You can line dance almost anywhere and to many genres of music. Plus, you get exercise without realizing you are actually exercising. Minimum of 8 registrations to run class. Instructor: Joanne Kallipolites Click on dates of classes to see full schedule & exclusion dates.

Country Line Dancing
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Country Line Dancing 
18y and up N/A Tu  02/04/2025 - 04/08/2025
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Community Center - Room #115 - Bingo Hall
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* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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